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Our Tamil Tutors Have Proven Track Records
We show you profiles of experienced Tamil tutors only if they have proven track records in helping students’ grades improve.
Singapore's Largest Tamil Tuition Agency
Popular Tutors is Singapore’s biggest private tuition agency – with over 37,000 shortlisted and reliable tutors for you to choose from.
We have over 3,100+ experienced and responsible home tutors who specialize in teaching only Tamil.
Parents and students tell us that we are the best Tamil tuition agency in Singapore.
Popular Tutors retains tutors in our database only if they have actual track records in improving their students’ grades.
We managed to grow to this size because parents and tutors trust us to make the most suitable tuition matches.

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Hire Tamil Tuition Teacher With A Proven Track Record
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Hire the best Tamil Tuition Teacher In Singapore. Because You Want to Succeed.
3,100+ Committed And Experienced Tamil tuition Teachers For You To Choose From
We will show you between 4 to 10 tutor profiles after you have told us your requirements. They specialize in teaching only Tamil.
You can therefore be confident of their abilities to help you score much higher marks for your next exam because parents and students had given excellent feedback and comments about these tutors.
Popular Tutors is the best Tamil tuition agency in Singapore.
Learn from reliable, committed Tamil tuition teachers
If you want a tutor for Sec 3 Tamil, we will show you profiles of experienced Tamil tutors who had taught Sec 3 Tamil, using the latest MOE syllabus, exam formats, marking schemes, and requirements.
The dependable Tamil tutors whose profiles we show to you are rigorously shortlisted by us. They have proven track records of helping students meet and exceed the requirements of school and national-level exams.
They will help you with your homework, assignments and projects, revision, and exam preparation.
Careful and effective matching of experienced Tamil tuition teachers
Popular Tutors has always been able to be effective in matching reliable and experienced Tamil tuition teachers because we have a trained tuition coordinator who majored in Tamil at university-level, in our tutor matching team.
Our tutor interviewers are graduates from the 3 major local universities and had attended the best junior colleges and secondary schools.
The joint-heads of our tutor matching team had worked at MOE schools.
fast, reliable matching of dependable Tamil tuition teachers
On average, within 24 hours, we are able to show you between 3 to 8 profiles of the most competent and experienced Tamil tutors whose qualifications match your tuition requirements and budget.
learn Tamil the easy - and correct - way
Each of our tutors had scored an A – at their own PSLE/GCE O Levels/GCE A Levels/University exams – in the subjects that they teach.
The quality of our experienced Tamil tutors gives students a strong edge over their peers, firmly establishing Popular Tutors as the most reliable private tuition agency in Singapore.
We have Singapore’s largest team of over 3,100+ experienced Tamil tuition teachers. They are able to help you score higher grades.
qualified experienced Tamil tuition teachers
Our experienced Tamil tutors are university undergraduates or have graduated from the top local and overseas universities.
importance of hiring qualified experienced Tamil tuition teachers
Choosing truly qualified and experienced Tamil tutors is important – to ensure that the information that they teach you is correct.
If the Tamil tutors themselves did not manage to score an A for Tamil, would they be able to teach you any proven ways to achieve an A?
trust only competent and experienced Tamil tuition teachers with proven track records
Some tutors quote the same or lower rates even though they scored only a B in the subject that they teach you.
If they can’t score an A themselves, will they be able to guide you properly?
safely hire dependable Tamil tutors
It is not worth taking a risk to learn the wrong information from irresponsible tutors, and then find that you need to spend the next few weeks or months having to “un-learn” the wrong information.
different MOE schools teach Tamil differently
The breadth and depth to which content is taught is known to vary across different schools, as teachers in each school are expected to tailor their lessons according to the learning needs and skills gaps of the students that they teach.
experienced Tamil tuition teachers use the latest mOE syllabus and proven teaching methods
The MOE establishes the learning outcomes that it expects from the syllabus that it recommends.
The latest MOE syllabus and exams requires students to solve real-life and complex theoretical problems, rather than allowing students to simply recall information, or look up someone else’s answer to the question.
every school teacher is expected to teach the same content differently
With the emphasis on nurturing students who can think and apply their knowledge, every teacher needs to teach according to the learning capacity of the students in the classes they are allocated to.
This can also mean that teachers within the same school and from other schools are likely to teach according to what they themselves think are necessarily related to the syllabus and the national exams.
exam risk
Some parents and students might view this as a risk, and that they will end up “spotting” the wrong topics – or worse, be underprepared for important exams.
many students receive nasty shocks when they take exams
Every year, hundreds of students complain about how difficult it is to score well in Tamil, and how they sometimes find it hard to catch up with what is taught in class.
And it is a fact that students will be tested on Tamil material they have not been taught before.
reduce the risk that you are under-prepared for exams
Your experienced Tamil tutor will show you how to extract information from your syllabus so that you can apply them in a logical, reasoned or deductive manner, even in unfamiliar situations.
This means that even if your Tamil teacher in school has not taught the answers to the exams, that your experienced Tamil tutor will have taught you the skills to calmly think through the (horrifying and unexpected) question, and arrive at the correct answer.
expert and experienced Tamil tutors
Our reliable Tamil tutors would have themselves scored an A, and the students that they had tutored in Tamil have achieved grade improvements after they started teaching them.
answer difficult tamil questions correctly
Good experienced Tamil tutors will be able to deconstruct complex content, uncover hidden meanings in the Tamil curriculum, and teach you strategic ways to answer exam questions – helping you to get that A.
It is easy.
And we want to help you succeed.
you can be confident, even when other students panic
These unexpectedly difficult questions can range from 20% to over 50% of all the exam questions during the mid-term, final term and the important national exams.
You yourself might have been stunned by the type of questions that are on your exam sheets – you had never learnt this material before in school!
Want to safely score better grades in Tamil? Hire experienced Tamil tutors from Popular Tutors now.
hire the best, most qualified and experienced Tamil tuition teachers
We know that you want to hire qualified and experienced Tamil tutors. Popular Tutors is able to provide you the very best Tamil tuition teachers available in Singapore.
how we identify committed and experienced Tamil tutors
We thoroughly interview the experienced Tamil tutors in our team, for their track records.
We ensure that they are able to meet your requirements, before we show you their profiles.
Popular Tutors knows what to look out for, and our staff who majored in Tamil has the expertise to discern if the tutors have the aptitude, qualifications and ability to teach your child, when we conduct our interviews to shortlist experienced Tamil tutors for you.
improve your Tamil grades - starting today
Hire reliable and experienced Tamil tutors.
We have experienced Tamil tutors that are committed to give high quality tuition to students.
And they have Singapore’s best track record of successful grade improvements.
learn tamil, faster
Is there a shortcut to getting better grades?
Yes, by hiring committed and experienced Tamil tutors who had scored an A for Tamil.
These experienced Tamil tutors know what you need to do in order to do well in Tamil.
Ready to start loving Tamil?
The right experienced Tamil tutor makes Tamil easy, regardless of your current grade, general knowledge and Tamil skills.
Here’s to a very successful academic year!
This can be your year to shine in Tamil.
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The importance of the tamil language
The Tamil language has an estimated history of more than 3000 years.
Tamil had a well-defined grammatical treatise named “Tholkappiyam” even 2500 years ago.
The maturity and finesse of this oldest literary work indicates that Tamil literature has even longer history than estimated.
Tamil literature is also a part of curriculum of many international universities. Tamil is the first language of the state of Tamil Nadu and the union territory Pondicherry in India.
There is a significant amount of Tamil population in Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore. There are large communities of Tamil speakers in many other countries like Indonesia, United Kingdom, Canada, Mauritius, Australia, USA, London, and South Africa.
To connect with this massive market of over 80 million Tamil speakers worldwide, knowing and use of some Tamil will certainly brighten the prospects of boosting your career and social network.
Many scholars and linguists learn Tamil literature because of its richness and variety.
Glamour in the tamil language
Tamil superstar, Rajinikanth – with his unique style and stunts – has many fans in India, the USA, UK, France, Japan and Korea. Rajinikanth’s film “Muthu” (released in 1995 and released in 1998 in Japan) was a huge hit in India and also a major success in Japan! His recent film “Endhiran” is also very successful outside India. If you are a fan of Tamil movies or Rajinikanth, learning the Tamil language will help you appreciate his movies first-hand.
The Tamil film industry – also known as Kollywood – is the third largest film industry in India. Many actresses in Kollywood are from the northern or other parts of India – and enjoy much fame and luxurious lifestyles. If you dream to make it big in Kollywood, knowledge of Tamil is really very necessary.
For some of us, learning a language is adventurous and fun. We enjoy the challenges of learning, speaking and reading new language. Learning language itself takes effort, but it pays off so well when you can use it immediately.
Language and culture
Certainly, language and culture are like two sides of the same coin – their relationship is deeply rooted to each other.
Language is probably the most important tool used to convey culture and cultural ties.
In turn, it is the cultural knowledge that is built that further enhances an individual’s motivation and potential to learn and absorb his language.
Written material depicting our cultural history, beliefs, practices, lifestyle, cuisine and all other aspects are more often than not, written in our own native language, Tamil.
Though one can argue that there are many English versions or translations available, the true meaning that is to be conveyed and the authenticity of the content is maintained only when it is spoken and read in the language it was meant to be in.
And, even though some Tamil language concepts are initially difficult to grasp, the reward in terms of obtaining good grades and a subsequent high-paying career can make all the effort worth it.
Learning tamil
Learning Tamil is like any new skill. There is a learning curve, and the skill needs to be practiced and reinforced, in order for it to be effective.
Those of us who are born as right-brain thinkers tend to be better at creative, imaginative, passionate activities.
Then there are those of us who are left-brain thinkers, and we are naturally adept at working with numbers, applying logical reasoning, and analytically solving problems.
Regardless of which category you fall into, the truth is that anyone can learn the basic principles of the Tamil language and score well in your exams.
Do you find it difficult to score good marks in the Tamil language exams? Does it often happen that you don’t get good marks in Tamil even after putting in your best preparation efforts?
There is no need to be distressed because you are not alone. There are many students who find that the Tamil language is difficult.
Hire experienced tamil tutors today, to help your grades improve
We have Singapore’s largest team of over 3,100 experienced Tamil tutors for every academic level – Primary School, Secondary School and Junior College.
Finding ideal experienced Tamil tutors does not have to be stressful, or randomly left to chance.
Our tutors will make this seemingly abstract subject much easier to grasp and understand.
Tamil is fun, when taught by fun and experienced tamil tutors
Sure, studying the Tamil language can be a challenge at times. The sentence structure, vocabulary and grammar can be difficult, and just like any other subject, you need to study hard to do well.
But Tamil can be an incredibly fun subject when you give it a chance.
And, the world today provides a big platform for students who choose a career that requires the use of the Tamil language.
A promising career needing the use of the tamil language
Everybody needs to earn money so that they can fund their lifestyle and financial commitments.
When choosing the next step in our careers, we want to look for jobs that are meaningful and challenging.
It is also important to look at the career prospects and the lifestyle we want to live.
Study Tamil well, and there’s a good chance you’ll find yourself working for an established company with clear career progression.
When you do well in your Tamil exams, you are building a strong foundation for your career options.
A world of exciting prospects awaits you.
Employers' requirements for jobs needing the use of the tamil language
Global change is creating enormous challenges around the world.
These challenges offer excellent future opportunities to people who study the Tamil language.
Employers are actively looking for university graduates who can adapt – and thrive – in this time of tremendous change and upheaval.
It is often observed that today’s graduates – unlike the graduates of a generation ago – should anticipate not a single position with one employer or in one industry, but rather many careers.
You will be well prepared for this future if, before you start your working life, that you take advantage of the opportunity to become broadly educated, to learn to be flexible and to be a creative problem solver.
Career options involving the tamil language
The more able you are to synthesize your Tamil language knowledge into real-world problem solving, the better.
There’s no limit to what you can do with your Tamil language skills.
Only your effort and imagination will determine how far you take it!
Are you ready to take the first step toward a rewarding and satisfying career?
Practical uses of tamil
“When am I ever going to use this?”
Even if you see yourself pursuing a professional career in another field, it could be worth your while to start by studying the Tamil language.
There are practical uses of the Tamil language in our daily lives.
Tamil is one of the oldest languages in history and learning it opens you to a lot of interesting subjects associated with the Tamil culture.
Many historical works associated with the culture’s music, literature and drama were written in Tamil.
For children who come from homes where English is mainly spoken and also attend schools where Tamil is not taught, having experienced Tamil tutors will help them master the language – and pronounce and write the language correctly.
Some people use the reasoning that they are “not good at languages” to explain their reluctance to study the Tamil language.
But the language skills that is actually involved is rather basic.
To do well in Tamil requires jumping in with both feet.
Having one foot in and one foot out doesn’t work.
At the beginning of the semester, regardless of your personal interests or dislikes, decide that you’re going to give Tamil your best effort.
Do this and you’ll do well in your Tamil exams.
We know that you want to hire only the best Tamil tutors, and we are here to provide you only the best.
We wish you all the best in your journey of learning and personal growth.
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Primary 1 - 3
$30 - $60/hr
University Undergraduate ($30-$40)
Full/Part-Time Private Tutor ($30-$45)
MOE Teacher ($40-$60)
Primary 4 - 6
$30 - $65/hr
University Undergraduate ($30-$45)
Full/Part-Time Private Tutor ($30-$50)
MOE Teacher ($45-$65)
Secondary 1 - 2
$35 - $85/Hr
University Undergraduate ($35-$45)
Full/Part-Time Private Tutor ($45-$55)
MOE Teacher ($60-$80)
Secondary 3 - 5
$40 - $90/Hr
University Undergraduate ($40-$60)
Full/Part-Time Private Tutor ($40-$60)
MOE Teacher ($65-$90)
Junior College
$50 - $120/Hr
University Undergraduate ($50-$60)
Full/Part-Time Private Tutor ($60-$80)
MOE Teacher ($90-$120)
$60 - $120/Hr
University Undergraduate ($60-$70)
Full/Part-Time Private Tutor ($80-$120)
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Hire The correct tutor to help your grades improve
Popular Tutors offers an extensive range of responsible tutors, so do free to select from the choices that best suit your needs
As long as money makes it go around, the world will need its accountants.
Accounting is the language of business. It is an important analysis tool that provides management with financial information that can be used to lead a business, plan ahead and to make contingency plans.
It provides the most vital information we need to understand how our business grows, makes money, where the profit of a business goes, and what our cash flow is.
If we do not understand the basic principles of Accounting, we cannot run a business, nor can we even hope to help a business grow and profit.
Known as the Natural Science, Biology involves the study of life and living organisms at the molecular and cellular levels.
This includes their chemical and physical structures, functions, development, evolution and interaction with the natural environment.
Students learn about Biology from the time they are in primary school, where Biology is taught as a general science.
Biology is then progressively taught in secondary school, with all its branches like genetics, anatomy, zoology and botany.
Biology majors learn to be precise, systematic, and detail oriented as they carry out their research and laboratory projects.
The skills that Biology majors acquire can be applied to both scientific and non-scientific jobs after graduation.
Even though some Biological concepts are initially difficult to grasp, the reward in terms of obtaining good grades and a subsequent high-paying career can make all the effort worth it.
We all do Chemistry every day!
Chemistry affects the food that we eat, the water we drink, the clothes we wear, the air and the medicine/vitamins that we take.
Chemistry explains how soap and shampoo keep us clean, why an egg changes when we fry or boil it, why an autumn leaf turns red and why perfumes smell the way they do.
Chemistry is known as the Central Science.
It bridges other natural sciences like Physics and Mathematics, Biology and Medicine, and the Earth and Geology/Environmental Sciences.
Chemistry is the study of the structure and properties of matter and substances – and the reactions that change them into other substances.
The behavior of atoms, molecules, and ions determines the sort of world we live in, our shapes and sizes, and even how we feel on a given day.
And really, everything (including us) is made out of atoms and chemical compounds.
Even though some Chemistry concepts are initially difficult to grasp, the reward in terms of obtaining good grades and a subsequent high-paying career can make all the effort worth it.
Scientific trials have found that people who speak more than one language use their brain in different ways.
This can lead to an increase of creative ideas, as the brain is being pushed in different ways than it is otherwise used to.
Currently, many different memory loss recovery techniques are based around visualizations and information simulations that try to access the use of different parts of the brain, as these initiatives seem to be able to help the brain re-ignite itself.
And, studies have shown that Mandarin speakers do use both sides of their brains!
If you’re the analytical type, fascinated by the world around you, then an Economics major might be a good choice for you.
A degree in Economics can be used in many areas, including public policy and finance.
You can use an Economics degree to study industry trends, labor markets, the prospects for individual companies, and the forces that drive the economy.
It turns out that even the digital economy needs people who are good with words.
Without a sufficient understanding of words, students cannot communicate effectively with others, and cannot adequately express their own ideas.
Every year, just as there are hundreds of students who score As for General Paper at the A Levels, there are also many students who find GP to be difficult.
Papers 1 and 2 are challenging, but it is definitely possible to score distinctions and attain a good pass.
A well-written General Paper essay is imbued with a wide variety of exemplifications that are written by someone who is well-read and is capable of insightful and reflective persuasive writing.
You also need to read, comprehend, infer, summarize and paraphrase sentences from essays written by intellectuals, journalists, scientists, politicians, philosophers and leaders in their respective fields.
Some of what they write may or may not agree with your own value systems. Or, their concepts are totally new (and foreign) to you.
Many students have difficulty with the Application Question at the end of the Comprehension section, because students have to relate the main ideas of the passage to the Singaporean context.
And you have to convincingly argue in your analysis if the thoughts and opinions of the author are relevant, applicable and valid when seen from a local perspective.
One of the ways to excel in General Paper is to have a strong understanding of how our world works.
We need to be familiar with the major disparate issues that affects us all – society, economics, politics, business, history, the arts, the environment and their interrelationships.
General Paper trains us to be precise, systematic, and detail oriented as we carry out our research and case study projects.
The skills that General Paper majors acquire can be applied to diverse corporate/job environments after graduation.
Even though some concepts are initially difficult to grasp, the reward in terms of obtaining good grades and a subsequent high-paying career can make all the effort worth it.
Geography has been called “the mother of all Sciences”.
It was one of the first fields of study and academic disciplines that developed as humans sought to find out what was on the other side of the mountain or across the sea.
Exploration led to discovery of our planet and its amazing resources.
History is fascinating because it takes us back into the times of kings, princesses, horses, warriors, geniuses, wars, inventions and discoveries.
We live in the present. We want to plan for and worry about the future.
History, however, is the study of the past.
History is a great subject to study; you just have to take the broader view of what is valuable in your life.
For example, there is scientific evidence that evolution is what has enabled society to transform to its current state.
Can this past evidence be used to determine future evolutions?
This is something that History students have to enquire everyday as they interact with the past.
History is important for young students to learn because it helps them to connect the past with the present and understand the direction that society is taking for the future.
History also helps young learners to understand different cultures.
Even though some History concepts are initially difficult to grasp, the reward in terms of obtaining good grades and a subsequent high-paying career can make all the effort worth it.
Cultures are built on stories – histories, myths and legends, fables, and religions.
Literature takes students out of their own lives and lets them experience things that are new and challenging.
It encourages them to imagine possibilities and to think about ways the world could be different.
We expand our horizons through vicarious experiences.
We get to visit new places, gain new experiences, and meet new people.
Literature teaches us about the past as well as the present, and allows us to learn about a variety of cultures, including our own.
Through poems and literary books, we discover the common goals and similar emotions found in people from all times and places.
Few textbooks could be said to do the same thing.
About 1.5 billion people around the world speak English whether as their native language or as a foreign language, and this number is still growing.
Globally however, 5.5 billion people don’t speak any English at all.
The two biggest economies in Southeast Asia are Indonesia and Malaysia.
Should you wish to do trade and business in these countries, knowing how to speak the language is a huge advantage.
There are more than 230 million speakers of both Bahasa Melayu and Bahasa Indonesia in our region, making it among the top 10 most spoken languages in the world.
Its native speakers extend up to Brunei, Southern Thailand, Singapore, Sri Lanka and the Sulu archipelago in the Philippines.
Math one of the oldest sciences known to Man.
Mathematics is often referred to as “The Queen of the Sciences”, and uses a great deal of logic and quantitative reasoning.
As a result, Mathematics has applications in numerous other subjects.
In fact, many other subjects rely so heavily on Mathematics that their most important questions are, fundamentally, Math problems.
Because each of the other natural sciences biology, chemistry, geology, material science, medicine, engineering, and others, work with systems which adhere to the laws of physics, physics is often referred to as the “Fundamental Science”.
Approximately 5000 years ago, the Chinese were the first to use magnetic energy. They relied upon the pull of magnetic iron objects to guide navigators and, thanks to the Earth’s magnetic field, point them in the direction of north.
About 2500 years ago, the Greek philosopher Thales was credited with discovering electrical energy. By rubbing fur against a piece of amber, Thales found that dust and other particles clung to the amber with what is known as an electrostatic force.
Physics is the study of the fundamental elements of the universe: energy and matter.
Physics investigates how the universe began, what it consists of, how it changes and according to what rules.
Physicists explore the skies to find distant worlds, and watch changes in the atmosphere to forecast the weather.
They search the ocean floor and beneath it to find minerals, and smash atoms to find energy resources and new methods to diagnose disease.
Science is the systematic study of the structure and behavior of the physical, social, and natural worlds through observation and experimentation.
It is key to innovation, global competitiveness, and human advancement.
It is important that the world continues to advance the field of Science, whether it’s finding new cures for cancer and other diseases or identifying and exploring new galaxies.
The process of Science is a way of building knowledge about the universe – constructing new ideas that illuminate and improve the world around us.
Like anywhere around the world, the main branches of Science taught in Singapore secondary schools are Physics, Chemistry and Biology.
Students are able to choose their own Science specializations when in upper secondary, and they learn General Science in primary school and lower secondary school.
Take a look at the wide range of careers that we have listed on this page, and you will agree that having a strong background in Science is very useful.
Even though some concepts are initially difficult to grasp, the reward in terms of obtaining good grades and a subsequent high-paying career can make all the effort worth it.
The theme of “Being Rooted and Living Global” runs through the entire Social Studies syllabus.
Social Studies is the integrated study of the social sciences and humanities – to promote civic competence.
In many countries – Singapore included – the Social Studies content that is taught in schools provides coordinated and systematic knowledge. Globally, Social Studies draws upon disciplines that include anthropology, archaeology, economics, geography, history, law, philosophy, political science, psychology, religion, and sociology, as well as appropriate content from the humanities, mathematics, and natural sciences.
The Tamil language has an estimated history of more than 3000 years.
Tamil had a well-defined grammatical treatise named “Tholkappiyam” even 2500 years ago.
The maturity and finesse of this oldest literary work indicates that Tamil literature has even longer history than estimated.
Tamil literature is also a part of curriculum of many international universities. Tamil is the first language of the state of Tamil Nadu and the union territory Pondicherry in India.
There is a significant amount of Tamil population in Sri Lanka, Malaysia and Singapore. There are large communities of Tamil speakers in many other countries like Indonesia, United Kingdom, Canada, Mauritius, Australia, USA, London, and South Africa.
To connect with this massive market of over 80 million Tamil speakers worldwide, knowing and use of some Tamil will certainly brighten the prospects of boosting your career and social network.
Many scholars and linguists learn Tamil literature because of its richness and variety.
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